304CM Cyclosorus parasiticu
Family Name Malvaceae, Abutilon
Scientific name Cyclosorus parasiticus
Common name Spineless yucca, Soft-tip yucca, Blue-stem yucca, Giant yucca and Itabo
Growth habit Growing in valley thick forests, or on humid places along riverbanks. Distributed in Zhejiang, Taiwan, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan and Southeast Yunnan
Leaf Leaves near-borne; petioles up to 40cm long, deep straw-coloured, base with 1-2 pubescence; leaves herbaceous, elliptic-lanceolate, about 35cm long, 13-20cm wide, long tailed lanceolate, apex pinnately lobed, bipinnately lobed;
Flower NA
Fruit NA
More to learn NA
Properties Taste pungent, little bitter, neutral in nature. Removing wind and damp
Treats Used for colds, rheumatic arthralgia, dysentery. Oral administration: decocting, 9-15g
Reference Hong Kong Baptist University Library
