308CM Cyathea lepifera
Family Name Cyatheaceae
Scientific name Cyathea lepifera
Common name Cyathea lepifera
Growth habit Distributed in the Philippines, Japan, Taiwan and mainland China Fujian region, grows at an altitude of 1500 meters.
Leaf Leaves are bipinnate, dorsal are gray, leaves reaches up to 2 meters in length.
Flower Lepifera not a flowering plant so there is no fruit, which it reproduced by the spores.
Fruit The sporangia piled formed in the base of the small veins of the lower surface of the leaf veins, no spore membrane.
More to learn Existed in about 3,000,006,000 years ago, which known as the "living fossil".
Properties The upper part of stem: bitter
Treats Tip of the trunk, sliced and dried, can be used to clean blood, blood stasis drugs
Reference 筆筒樹

