309CM Cibotium barometz
Family Name Dicksoniaceae
Scientific name Cibotium barometz
Common name Golden Hair Dog Fern, Yellow Dog’s Head Fern
Growth habit Perennial tree fern Born in the ravine and brook understory acidic soil, Pleasant warmth and high humidity of the air environment, fear of cold, avoid the hot sun on the soil loose and grows well in fertile well-drained acidic soil
Leaf Large herbs, Rhizome short and stout, densely covered with golden brown long hairs. Leaves tufted; stipes stout, densely covered with golden brown hairs at base; tripinnatifid; pinnae alternate, sparsely spaced
Flower No flowering
Fruit No fruit
More to learn Under the State protection (category II) and is protected by the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap.586). Cibotium barometz breeding is mainly propagated by spore. Mature spores collected in summer operation, uniform sow in shallow planting pots Sheng fine brick debris after sowing spray and covered with glass moisturizing.
Properties Bitter taste and warm
Treats The golden hairs have good hemostatic effect. Rhizomes are good for strengthen the liver or kidney, waist and knee
Reference Hong Kong Herbarium
Gallery of Cibotium barometz
General profile
Brief description of citbotium barometz
Forest fern- the encyclopedia of tree ferns
