Family Name Selaginella kraussiana
Scientific name CANNOT FOUND
Common name Club Fern
Growth habit Small evergreen shrub.
Leaf The branch is dense and soft, creeping born. The leaves are all Spinoza; the trefoil cross-whorled leaves are two stomata lines, the dorsal blue-green, and leaf base under epitaxial growth.
Flower There are no flower Club Fern
Fruit Spherical cones with blue. Containing seeds 2 to 3.
More to learn The bark Auburn, scaly flaking. Native to Japan, China's Yellow River basin to the Yangtze River basin is widely cultivated.
Properties Short, cool.
Treats Detoxification, swelling, antitussive, expectorant. Indications Hyperactivity cough, fire burns, hemorrhoids, swelling of unknown origin and bee stabbed.
Reference General and gallery information on Club Fern
General information on Club Fern
General information on Club Fern
Gallery information on Club Fern
