321CM Equisetum
Family Name Equisetaceae
Scientific name Equisetum hyemale LINN
Common name N/A
Growth habit It is distributed in almost all over the world, except Australia and Antarctica They are perennial herbs, or evergreen plants (some tropical species only)
Leaf In these plants the leaves are greatly reduced and usually non-photosynthetic. They contain a single, non-branching vascular trace, which is the defining feature of microphylls.
Flower N/A
Fruit In many species the cone-bearing shoots are unbranched, and in some (e.g. field horsetail, E. arvense) they are non-photosynthetic, produced early in spring separately from photosynthetic, sterile shoots. In some other species (e.g. marsh horsetail, E. palustre) they are very similar to sterile shoots, photosynthetic and with whorls of branches.
More to learn Equisetum can be used as cuisine in Japan
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