325CM Aspidium
Family Name Aspidiaceae
Scientific name Tectaria subtriphylla
Common name N.A
Growth habit Solution holes in limestone in rockland hammocks
Leaf Leaves rising in clusters from creeping stems;leaf blades 2 - 4 inches long and 1 - 3 inches wide, deeply lobed or dissected, sometimes with basal segments separated from upper blade, lobes rounded
Flower None
Fruit Sporangia heap round, and grow near veins apex at spore membrane round to kidney-shaped, large, brown, membranous, entire.
More to learn Located in India, Taiwan Island, French Polynesia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and mainland China, Guangdong, Yunnan, Guangxi, Hainan, Guizhou, Fujian and other places, the growth in the region of 100-450 meters above sea level, often growsjungle by the river under wet places, Health, mountain and rock, has not yet introduced by the artificial cultivation.
Properties Astringent, flat, hepatic, colon two classics.
Treats Cure rheumatism, dysentery, wounds, snake bites.
Reference 百度百科
Florida Natural Areas Inventory
