337 Angelonia angustifolia
Family Name Scrophulariaceae/Angelonia
Scientific name Angelonia salicariifolia Humb. & Bonpl. Angelonia
Common name Summer snapdragon
Growth habit The plants grow to a height of approximately 0,54 meters. It is evergreen with soft (not woody) stems and a bushy habit
Leaf Angelonia angustifolia is a deciduous plant with simple leaves. The leaves are arranged alternately along the stems. They are lanceolate with toothed margins.
Flower The flowers are purple, blue, white, pink or bicolor. The plants bloom from July to October. The flowers are arranged in spikes.
Fruit Capsule, small seeds, uncommon results.
More to learn Uses: ornamental: planted in flower beds, gardens, landscaping. Distribution: cultivation, in Taiwan in aDistribution: cultivation, in Taiwan in addition to winter, every season can be planted, all blossoms in spring, summer and autumn. Origin: South America
Properties Flowers can be gently fried in batter or try scattering the florets on your salad for color and taste.
Treats /
Reference nc state university
starr environmental
