347CM Bellflower
Family Name Campanulaceae
Scientific name Platycodon grandiflorus
Common name Burden flowers, Bell flowers, Mitral spend
Growth habit Perennial herbs
Leaf Leaf plants milk leaves mostly alternate a small number of students nearly sessile leaves long oval serrated edges
Flower Flower's skin brown It is flowered from July to September. Corolla bell-shaped Colour is blue,purple or blue and white.
Fruit Mature from August to November.
More to learn Florid is eternal love,everlasting love,never forget the love (red) Honest,supple,sadness,directly and without concealment.
Properties bitter,acrid,flat
Treats Chinese medicine,the root is used as nature,Bitterpungent,function Xuanfei, expectorant,pus,attending cough. Sputum unhappy,sore throat,lung abscess,embolism; the root contains platycodin,it can increase the secretion of the respiratory tract and play expectorant role.
Reference General information on Platycodon grandiflorus
