348 Garcinia subelliptica
Scientific name Garcinia subelliptica
Common name Common Garcinia
Growth habit Garcinia originates in Philippines, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Japan and Taiwan as there are many waterfront forest in this places.
Leaf - Simple leaves, opposite, ovate, ovate-oblong or oval, dilute round or lanceolate shaped long and 7-14 (-20) cm, W 3-6 (-7) cm, apex obtuse, roundor emarginate, base broadly cuneate to nearly round, entire, thick leathery. - - Deep green foliage, smooth, glossy, dorsal yellow green, new leaves red color - In the vein bulge in the dorsal, lateral veins 12-18 pairs, in the vein of bias, on both sides of the uplift, slender, obscurely, micro-vaulted to the edge of links stockwork. - Petiole is around 0.6-1.5 cm thick, coat, base adnate branches, fake ligule but without stipules.
Flower - There are both five sepals and petals in a Garcinia and their shape are imbricate. - Male and female flowers are usually mixed together, clustered or single born deciduous axilla, sometimes female flowers into clustered like male flowers into the fake spike-like, about 10 cm. - - Petals obovate, as long as sepals 2 times, 0.8-1 cm long and 6-8 mm wide, creamy yellow - - Stamens together generate 5 beam 6-10 pieces per bundle, 2 mm beam stipe. - Ovary is spherical, outside edges, 3-5 rooms, each room have an ovule - Style is a very short, stigma peltate, and it is deeply lobed and no aneurysm sudden.
Fruit - Flowering from May to July, fruit period from July to September
More to learn - Its crown was the longitudinal oval or conical, dense foliage, upright posture, tree of strong, long-term old, large potted excellent landscaped tree or trees, saplings.
Properties - The resin can be used as a yellow pigment - Seed kernel oil, available soap and machinery lubricants;
Treats The root can be used as medicine, cool, astringent taste, the convergence effect of oral administration of decoction, to cure enteritis, dysentery embolism.
Reference General information on Garcinia
Gallery on Garcinia
Plant Profile on Garcinia
