364 Cherry blossom
Family Name Rosaceae
Scientific name Magnoliophyta
Common name Prunus jamasakura
Growth habit -Enough sunlight -grow in winter
Leaf Mosaic alternate, oval or obovate-elliptic, margin Mans teeth, apex acute and glands, surface dark green, shiny, a little light on the back. Stipules lanceolate-linear, serrated edge fine crack, split end gland.
Flower Spend each thirty-five into umbel level to carry out sepals, petals apex notched, white, red. Flowers and leaves in March with the release of or leaves after flowering
Fruit Nuclear sphere, was the beginning of the red, after the purple-brown, mature in July.
More to learn Sakura has a tender skin, brightening the complexion, the cherry is often used in skin care products, raw materials, cherry usually requires the extraction and purification, Swiss legend cherry Group once cherry use three high fresh extraction technology is refined into cherry matte finish oil,cherry matte finish oil has a good affinity with shea butter, jojoba oil and other natural oils, often a blend of lipstick.
Properties Acid
Treats For cough and fever.
Reference 中華百科
