367CM Taiwan Loquat
Family Name Rosaceae/Eriobotrya
Scientific name Eriobotrya deflexa
Common name 山枇杷、台灣山枇杷、夏梅、夏粥
Growth habit Elevations throughout the island 1500 Meters of hardwood forest mountains.
Leaf Leaf has a long handle, alternate or clustering the end, quality leather, long oval, long 13~26 Cm wide 4~6 Cm there are rough edges jagged, smooth on both sides, ribbed clear, lateral veins around 12 Pair
Flower Spring flowering, inflorescences, conical-shaped timber raft; calyx 5 Crack, splinter was iron quid-hairy, petals 5 , White, first furrow, most Stamen, ovary inferior, style 3 Watches.
Fruit Pear-shaped to ball-shaped, oval, Approximately 2 cm, it is hairy.
More to learn 1. Gardening plant planting: trees are beautiful port, can be used for Gardening teien garden trees a surname. 2. a surname: 葉 treating cough a surname-activity, usually in the name because it "loquat paste" inside Leaf is the use of it. 3. food: implement juicy and sweet and mature fruit, is a very good game in the mountains, but not much flesh.
Properties Leaf clusters in the small branch-end, long oval, rough jagged edge, thick paper, veins prominent. Spent the majority, white, conical inflorescence. Small spherical fruit, end residual sepals, raw food, and controlling the fever effect.
Treats the drug: leaf has the effect of treating cough, usually under the guise of its "loquat paste" is using its leaves.
Reference 認識植物
