396 dogtooth violet
Family Name Apocynaceae
Scientific name Ervatamia divaricata(Linn.)Burk.
Common name Ervatamia
Growth habit Leaves opposite, oblong-lanceolate, 5.5-11.5 cm long, 1.5-3.5 cm wide, shortly acuminate, dark green above, pale green below.
Leaf Leaves opposite, broad lanceolate-shaped, entire
Flower Flowers white, with students in the top of the shoots, bud, shaped like a Gardenia flower
Fruit Epicarp light gray, straight longitudinal edges 5; seeds of about 10 long and round, polygonal or mature, about 5 mm.
More to learn Oral: decoction, 10-30g. Topical: the amount of fresh goods pound deposited
Properties Acid; cool nature
Treats Heat buck; detoxification swelling. Primary hypertension; sore throat; ulcer Chuangdu; bruises
