408 Solanum pseudo-capsicum
Family Name Solanaceae
Scientific name Solanum pseudo-capsicum
Common name Jerusalem Cherry
Growth habit The Solanaceae long green shrubs
Leaf Leaves are rectangle, the edge of a long have loose serrated.
Flower Flowering between July to August each year, the color white.
Fruit The fruit is a spherical berry diameter 2CM about 9 to 12 months mature from green to orange-red when ripe, can stay for a long time in the branches. Jade coral fruit usually at Christmas from green to red, it is also known as the Christmas fruit.
More to learn Eliminate the swollen poison: the fresh winter coral leaves right amount smashed topical lesion.
Properties Salty taste slightly bitter and warm. Toxic. Qi pain. Myogenic. Detoxification anti-inflammatory.
Treats (Root), lumbar muscle strain. Tuberculosis injury low back pain. Toothache blood heat. Edema. (Leaf) Governance sore swollen poison.
Reference General information on solanum pseudo-capsicum
Introduction of solanum pseudo-capsicum
Plant Profile on solanum pseudo-capsicum
Plant profile of solanum pseudo-capsicum
