429 Lindsaea orbiculata
Family Name Lindsaeaceae
Scientific name Lindsaea orbiculata (Lam.) Mett.
Common name Lindsaea orbiculata
Growth habit Ground raw, short rhizomes creeping like, dense reddish brown scales.
Leaf Leaves tufted, glabrous leaf margins serrated.
Flower No flower
Fruit Sporangia grow on the top of the small veins of the lateral connection veins, alternaria film horizontally long shape, usually a continuous crack.
More to learn Petiole slender erect, foliar finger dichotomous branching, elegant and lovely, which is an excellent ornamental ferns.
Properties The whole plant: bitter, cold. Detoxify, bleeding throes. Dysentery, scabies, gunshot wounds.
Treats Dysentery, scabies, gunshot wounds.
Reference 認識植物
