431 /
Family Name Platyceriaceae
Scientific name Platycerium bifurcatum
Common name /
Growth habit Epiphytes on trees or rocks, in clusters
Leaf Leaves have two types, the sterility fake leaves rounded or fan, the original gray-green with the growth gradient dry brown , the other leaves sterility, dorsal growth sori drape, the shape of antlers, whole leaf drape a layer of soft hair.
Flower /
Fruit Sori plaques 1-10,was born in the late back lobes, long and narrow,1-22cm long and0.5-7.5cm wide. Across the wire gray stellate hairs. Each sporangium 64 spores yellow.
More to learn Staghorn fern spores stored in liquid nitrogen in the long term the best, the best short-term 4 ℃, time is not more than one month, save the prothallium sporophyte with spores
Properties Pending research temporarily ornaments use
Treats Pending research temporarily ornaments use
Reference Information of Platyceriaceae
Useful knowledge of Platyceriaceae
