434 Huperzia carinata
Family Name Huperziaceae
Scientific name Huperzia carinata
Common name Huperziaceae
Growth habit Environment grows in the forest shade, was born in the high places of the trunk
Leaf Stems with leaves was a slightly the rectangular cylindrical, leaflets lanceolate, Vela, appressed stems and stems coated
Flower N/A
Fruit Sporangia usually kidney-shaped handle, born full branch or branches of leaves
More to learn Ornamental plants, medicinal plants, the plants, the whole plant medicine can cure rheumatism, traumatic injury, fever, sore throat, edema and urticaria embolism.
Properties Tasteless, cool; small drug; clearing and detoxifying
Treats Swelling and pain effect, mainly used to treat joint pain, low back pain, limb weakness
Reference General Information on Huperzia
Plant Profile on Huperzia
Gallery on Huperzia
