445 N/A
Family Name Cyatheaceae
Scientific name Alsophila spinulosa
Common name N/A
Growth habit Perennial tree fern
Leaf Leaves spirally arranged. Apex of the trunk. Formed after deciduous leaf scab significant.
Flower N/A
Fruit N/A
More to learn 1.Wild plant under State protection (category II) 2.The back of the leaves have spores, Sori near the midrib, the indusium spherical, membranous. 3.Hard rind has been cut away to make medicinal. The dry trunk was cylindrical, diameter of about 12 cm, surface brown, all arranged neatly marks the petiole. Each petiole scar nearly circular, a diameter of about 3 to 4 centimeters. Below the depression, edges most closely arranged leaves traces of vascular. The middle also leaves traces of vascular scattered. Cross-section hollow, Surrounding vascular bundles arranged in a folded shape, form ridges and vertical grooves. Quality hard. Throughout the year can be adopted.
Properties Bitter, cold. Expelling wind and dampness, stasis.
Treats Antipyretic, For rheumatoid arthritis, Bruises, Chronic bronchitis, Hyperactivity cough, Nephritis edema, prevention of influenza.
Reference General information on Alsophila spinulosa
Plant Profile on Alsophila spinulosa
General information on Alsophila spinulosa
Properties and Treats on Alsophila spinulosa
