449 Adiantum spp.
Family Name Adiantaceae
Scientific name Adiantum spp.
Common name maidenhair fern
Growth habit Weeping, round
Leaf Leaf type: odd-pinnately compound Leaf margin: serrate Leaf shape: orbiculate; ovate Leaf venation: parallel Leaf type and persistence: evergreen Leaf blade length: less than 2 inches Leaf color: green Fall color: no fall color change Fall characteristic: not showy
Flower N/A
Fruit N/A
More to learn Adiantum grows best in the shade in cool, moist conditions. It can tolerate wet soil in addition soils high in clay, sand or loam and acidic soils. Some species of maidenhair ferns can tolerate high-alkalinity soils. This fern has poor salt tolerance and it requires above-average humidity to thrive. The fiddleheads (young shoots) of Adiantum species are edible when young and still tightly coiled -- they become toxic when they start to uncoil. Native Americans sometimes chewed maidenhair leaves to halt internal bleeding, while in Europe the plant was used as a menstrual stimulant. Some modern herbalists claim that it works as a mild cough suppressant.
Properties Cool to cold
Treats scale, mites, mealy bugs, snails, and slugs (not serious) cough
Reference Information on adiantum-ferns
