453 Dragon Tongue, consider grass, fairy palm
Family Name Cactaceae
Scientific name Cleistocactus winteri
Common name Cleistocactus aureispina , Golden rat tail
Growth habit Perennials, slender stems and soft. Brightly colored。The stem is cylindrical or mutated to ear, comb-shaped and wavy. The whole stems clouds gold color short glitches, very bright. Optimum in steppe sunny climate, 26-30C .
Leaf Spines - It has many short bristly golden spines that literally cover the surface of the stems。Spines contain venom, easy to cause skin irritation, pain, itching and other allergic symptoms if being stabbed.
Flower Amazing orange-red radial style flowers.
Fruit No information
More to learn (1) Suitable for potted or warm-land planting, with high ornamental value。 (2) cooking: stir-fried or spicy fried cactus, the egg fried cactus and cactus salad is the most famous. After peeled the cactus thorns and boiled to make into a cold dish. The edible cactus containing rich in vitamins A, C, protein, iron and minerals.
Properties Cold, Bitter taste。Passing through the heart, lung, stomach veins. It contains vitamins and minerals to inhibit the absorption of fat and cholesterol, slow the uptake of glucose. Lowering blood sugar, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood pressure.
Treats Clear heat- detoxification, improve blood circulation, remove extravasated blood, swelling,make stomach health,kill pain.lowering blood sugar, blood fat, blood pressure。Cure stomach, duodenal ulcer, acute diarrhea, cough through oral taken; Topical treatment of mumps, mastitis, joint pain and boil burns.
Reference Cleistocactus_winteri
