455 Gymnocalycium Saglionis
Family Name Cactaceae
Scientific name Gymnocalycium Saglionis
Common name Giant Chin Cactus
Growth habit Perennial Solitary plant, oblate or spherical On rocky soil with low vegetation
Leaf Needle-like leaves Reddish or purple brown in color while becoming grey with time
Flower Pale pink or white flowers Flowering in Mid-Spring
Fruit Globular, reddish or Dark Pink in color Splits sideways with tiny, shiny black brown seeds.
More to learn First, the ability of a cactus to absorb radiation is particularly strong. Also, cactus is different from the other plants. At night, it would not absorb oxygen from the atmosphere which reduces the oxygen content in a room. On the contrary, it would absorb carbon dioxide and purify the air.
Properties Cold, bitter, astringent Antipyretic, detoxifying, heals relieves swelling, antitussive
Treats Gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, acute diarrhea Mumps, mastitis Snake bites, burns
Reference Properties and medicinal value of Gymnocalycium Saglionis
More to learn about plants for purification of air
General description about the growth of Gymnocalycium Saglionis
