460 Sedum morganianum var. burrito
Family Name Crassulaceae
Scientific name Sedum morganianum var. burrito
Common name Burrito Burro's Tail, Sedum burrito
Growth habit perennial herbal plant
Leaf Small, bluish green obovate simple leaf, evergreen, alternate arrangement, round tip
Flower Small, pink to red, five-petaled, flowering between May and September
Fruit Follicle
More to learn The naming of Chinese is based on Japanese word which means a series of jade, which is use to describe the shape of the leaf. When the temperature is higher than 33oC or lower than 4oC, the plant would go into dormancy states. Touching sedum burrito plant with bare hands may result in a rash and/or other skin irritation.
Properties Sedum family contains low toxicity if eaten; some gastrointestinal discomfort may be resulted. Thus it is not advised to eat it.
Treats No treats
Reference Problems on planting Sedum burrito
Sedum burrito
Is a Sedum Burrito Plant Poisonous?
An introduction on Sedum
