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Family Name Cactaceae
Scientific name Myrtillocactus geometrizans
Common name Blue Candle, Whortleberry Cactus
Growth habit Forms forests in some areas of the Chihuahuan desert.
Leaf Each areole may have up to 5-9 spines, but generally they have 3-5 spines about 5-12 mm long. Some spines but not awful.
Flower /
Fruit Rather smaller (2.5-3.7 cm) in relation to stem, greenish white in March, that turn in very sweet, edible, dark red, oblong fruits 8-20 mm in diameter. Starts blooming when it is about 60 cm tall.
More to learn The Bilberry Cactus is fast growing, and is often used as grafting stock because of this. With favourable conditions it can reach heights of up to 15 feet.
Properties Fruit: very sweet, edible
Treats /
Reference Myrtillocactus geometrizans
Basic information
