466 Astrophytum myriostigma
Family Name quadricostatum
Scientific name Astrophytum myriostigma var.quadricostatum
Common name myriostigma
Growth habit In cool, sunny conditions, light in summer. Require well-drained, sandy soil rich in lime.
Leaf Plants spherical the thorn seat on the edge without thorns, but brown woolly. Sphere gray densely white stellate hairs or scales.
Flower The flowers at the top of the sphere thorn seat, funnel-shaped, yellow or red heart.
Fruit N/A
More to learn Higher value, the same high ornamental value, the Botanical Gardens and succulents lovers keen to collect treasures. Such plant propagation coefficient is very low, and the variability
Properties Chill cool
Treats Anti-wave radiation characteristics, reduce acne, the probability of suffering from pigmentation
Reference 鸾凤玉
多肉植物 鸾凤玉锦苗
