467 Haworthia reinwardtii f. zebrina
Family Name Liliaceae
Scientific name Haworthia reinwardtii f. zebrina
Common name Haworthia reinwardtii f. zebrina
Growth habit perennial succulent
Leaf white-spotted fleshy leaves arranged in a spiral pattern
Flower Flowers are pale white, narrow tubular
Fruit Nil
More to learn does not tolerate prolonged exposure to temperatures below 10 °C , so in temperate regions it must be grown under glass with heat
Properties Nil
Treats Nil
Reference 花花世界 - 生活花卉園藝論壇 花卉園藝討論區 仙人掌與多肉植物討論區 到底是斑馬鷹爪 還是十二之卷
Haworthia reinwardtiiFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
