469 Ariocarpus agavoides
Family Name Cactaceae
Scientific name Ariocarpus agavoides
Common name Living Rock Cactus
Growth habit Like sufficient sunlight & good ventilation, require deep sand-like soil. Needs enough water for growing season. Wants cool environment and dry soil in winter.
Leaf N/A
Flower Flowers are violet in colour; arise from the masses of trichomes of the areolar regions at the bases of young tubercles. The flowing season is usually in autumn or winter.
Fruit Their fruits are exposed to the environment soon after fertilization. As they mature, the fruits become brownish and dry. They soon disintegrate, permitting the seeds to escape.
More to learn Ariocarpus(仙人掌科岩牡丹屬): 整個植株在原產地幾乎全埋在地下,由三角狀疣突排列成蓮座狀的莖僅露出一部分。疣突表面常龜裂,腋部和疣突表面有大量綿毛。花頂生,漏斗狀,色彩豐富。體內有生物鹼,作用類似烏羽玉。
Properties N/A
Treats N/A
Reference 塔內植物園
