470 Hemionitis Arifolia
Family Name Adiantaceae
Scientific name Hemionitis Arifolia
Common name Heart Fern
Growth habit Like scattered light or reflected light, high humidity requirements
Leaf slightly heart-shaped end of the buckler.
Flower No Flower.
Fruit No fruit.
More to learn Potted ferns every 2-3 years need to change its flowerpot once. The time for changing flowerpot can be carried out from February to August, not to hurt the roots.
Properties Cleaning up the air, and beautiful.
Treats Prevention of water swallowing and diarrhea fever, and eliminating dampness through diuresis
Reference General information on Hemionitis Arifolia
Gallery on Hemionitis Arifolia
Plant Profile on Hemionitis Arifolia
Planting method from Hemionitis Arifolia
