476 Selaginella Apoda
Family Name Poaceae
Scientific name Selaginella Apoda
Common name Phalaris canariensis
Growth habit • Annual Plant (Year round) • Height of stem is less than 1metre
Leaf • Gradually tapering leaf blades • Flat • Rough upper and lower epidermis • Green mid-rib
Flower • Compact panicles • Single flowers occur in dense clusters • Flowering from May to mid-June
Fruit • Shiny brown seed • Fruits are eaten by birds usually
More to learn • Selaginella apoda is known as the central component of a taxonomically difficult species complex • One genus, Selaginella, with some 700 species
Properties • Contain large amount of lipid and protein
Treats Non-medicinal plant
Reference Life Cycle of Selaginella apoda (video)
Planting tips
Closer look to the flower of Selaginella apoda
More information of Selaginella apoda
More research and reading of Selaginella apoda
