478 Euphorbia antiquorum
Family Name Euphorbiaceae
Scientific name Euphorbia antiquorum
Common name Euphorbia antiquorum
Growth habit Succulent shrubby small tree
Leaf Leaves clustered; Leaf blade lanceolate; base broadly cuneate, nearly angular lanceolate, blunt tip, entire. White liquid secretion from cut leaves.
Flower Inflorescence grows on axil. Involucre-shaped and wide bell-shaped. Lobes semicircular. Margin denticulate. March to April flowering.
Fruit Capsule triangular shaped flat spherical. Fruiting throughout the year.
More to learn The plant is toxic! Must be fried with rice until parched for oral treatment; if skin contact with juice, can cause inflammation, blisters; sap gets in the eyes, can cause blindness. Eating a small amount of cause strenuous creatorrhea. By eating a lot, would cause stimulation of oral mucosa, vomiting, dizziness, coma, muscle tremors, etc. Rescue methods: skin contact with the juice should be immediately washed with water or given painkillers. Eating should pay attention to the protection and cleaning of the oral intravenous glucose saline, insulation, injection stimulants.
Properties Whole plant as medicine: Bitter. Cold. Toxic.
Treats Stems, leaves: swelling, Sida, diarrhea, For acute gastroenteritis, malaria, bone-setters throat. Juice: diarrhea, by water, itching. For ascites due to cirrhosis, psoriasis.
Reference 中国高等植物数据库全库
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