479 N/A
Family Name Agavaceae
Scientific name Nolina recurvata
Common name N/A
Growth habit A small evergreen tree
Leaf Leaf Green, leaf margins finely serrated, coriaceous, thin, shape cool like orchids
Flower N/A
Fruit N/A
More to learn 1.Stem blood stand, the expansion of the base, and extremely similar to the bottle. 2.Stems swollen part of the bark thick, well-massive crack turtle 3.The leaves linear set of Born stems top, 90-180 cm long, 2 cm wide, often bent down, having a semicircular cross each other, and the length of phase, shaped like baskets. 4.Adequate likes bright light all year round direct sunlight. Suitable for the growth of warm, moist, well-ventilated environment. Shade-tolerant, hi fat, cold, drought resistance.
Properties Stems oddly shaped, base especially bang big, plus crack bark into small squares and tufted leaves posture whirling, become very strange ornamental plants.
Treats N/A
Reference General information on Nolina recurvata
General information on Nolina recurvata
Further information on Nolina recurvata
Further information on Nolina recurvata
