480 Echinocactus grusonii
Family Name Cactaceae
Scientific name Echinocactus grusonii
Common name Golden Barrel Cactus , Mother-in-law's Chair
Growth habit Like warm, optimum growth temperature 20-25 ° C. Winter optimum growth temperature 8-1O ° C. Adequate light, When the sun is too strong need moderate shade. Like sandy loam with calcareous and gravel.
Leaf Degenerate into a needle-shaped, yellow, every thorn 8-10 acupuncture.
Flower Flowers yellow, bell-shaped, 4-5cm in diameter. Spring flowering. The spendthrift scales, top Born woolly leaves.
Fruit Fruit scales and woolly, black seeds, smooth surface.
More to learn Golden spines are very bright in the sunlight, life expectancy up to 60 years, the stem up to 80 cm in diameter, some Golden Barrel cactus cultivated for decades, the price will up to hundreds of thousands of NT dollars, is very noble cactus.
Properties Bitter, cold.
Treats Clearing and detoxifying. Acute diarrhea, cough; snake bites
Reference General information on Echinocactus grusonii
Specialty of different Cactaceae
Plant profile on Echinocactus grusonii
Information in English version on Echinocactus grusonii
