487 Immortal fist, barbed ball
Family Name cactaceae
Scientific name Notocactus magnificus
Common name Balloon Cactus
Growth habit Group growth perennial succulent plant, stem spherical, after age gradient in a cylindrical shape, diameter 20cm, height up to 5m. Better in warm, dry and sunny environment, optimum temperature 18 ° C-24 ° C
Leaf Villous - dense born on top ; thorn needle - radial on stem.
Flower Large corolla funnel-shaped, Born inside thorn leaves。 Flowers in yellow or pink and night-time opening。 Flowering in Jun - July.
Fruit Berries - spherical or oval, without thorns. Small seeds.
More to learn (1) strong and healthy growth, gorgeous yellow flowers。High ornamental value。 (2) Feng Shui role - to prevent the Villain and rumors. (3) Edible cactus, in "Enping" of Guangdong, known as " Le fruit" green health food, won the favourite of the people, people often eat it in soup.
Properties Neutral, slightly sweet and cold, slightly acidic。 A truly non-toxic, without any side effects of new medical vegetables. The cactus is a set of food, medicine, health, beauty and green watch in one sound.
Treats Hyperactivity cough, bloody sputum, carbuncles, soup burns.
Reference 英冠玉
