489 Parodia maassii (Heese) Berg.
Family Name Cactaceae
Scientific name Parodia maassii (Heese) Berg.
Common name N/A
Growth habit Perennial Solitary or clumping plant Cylindrical in shape
Leaf Needle-like leaves Gray-black, brown or reddish in color Thorns are curved with woolly areoles
Flower Funnel-shaped Copper yellow, orange or red in color Flowering between March and May
Fruit Globular, Red in color Covered with gray wool, without bristles
More to learn The primitive cactus plants own ordinary leaves, and are distributed in the less arid regions. However, the moist areas become increasingly drier later. In order to adapt to the environment to survive, the normal flat leaves of cactus plants gradually degraded into a cylindrical shape, which in turn degenerated into scaly leaves, and finally disappear completely. Moreover, cactus has a different metabolic mechanism when compared with other plants. Its stomata will close during day time to reduce water loss while opening at night only to absorb carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide would be stored in a large vacuole which would be released out for photosynthesis when light is available.
Properties Cold, bitter, astringent Antipyretic, detoxifying, heals relieves swelling, antitussive
Treats Ulcer diseases, acute dysentery Mumps, mastitis, poisoning Carbuncle furuncle, snake bites, burns
Reference Profile of Parodia maassii (Heese) Berg.
Properties and medicinal value of Parodia maassii (Heese) Berg.
General description about the growth of Parodia maassii (Heese) Berg.
