497 Cereus peruvianus Monstrosus
Family Name Cactaceae
Scientific name Cereus peruvianus Monstrosus
Common name Monster cactus, Curiosity Plant
Growth habit Grow in drought tolerant landscapes. hardy and fast-growing.
Leaf Branches from the base, clumps up to 15’ in diameter, and stems upward up to 7” in diameter. Medium green & Blue in colour. Irregularly broken crests and knobs.
Flower blooms nightly, producing near white flowers that are very fragrant. from June to September.
Fruit red or yellow color. fruit opens up exposing an edible white or rosy pulp. Mature in fall.
More to learn The origin is in Peru in South America. They are effective as container plants especially when included in rock gardens or with other cacti. Can tolerate colder climates and is fire resistant. Try not to water too much in winter to prevent root rot.
Properties No properties.
Treats No treats.
Reference CactiForum
Worldwide Exotics, inc.
