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Family Name Cactaceae
Scientific name Thelocactus heterochromus
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Growth habit In hot, dry Mexico, more plant morphology changes can not accurately describe its traits. Approximate height 4-7cm, width 6-15cm, generally eight-sided, structured. Chu red thorn, needle.
Leaf Leaves evolved into just a small thorn in order to reduce water evaporation
Flower Magenta, orange, dark pink, diameter 45-80mm, flowers open in 6-8 months
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More to learn Summer planting, cultivation is relatively easy, but the growth rate is relatively slow, need good drainage loose porous mineral soil, spring to autumn can be a normal watering. Need full sun, the plants will be compact, hard spines also bright. Winter dormancy to keep the soil dry completely. Can be short, cold -7 ° C.
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Reference Basic information
