502CM Aloe saponaria var. latifolia
Family Name Xanthorrhoeaceae
Scientific name Aloe saponaria var. latifolia
Common name Soap aloe
Growth habit Perennial evergreen succulent herb
Leaf Blade tongue, flesh, with stick-slip juice leaves, leaves with irregular white spots, the margin sharp spines, slightly concave surface, surrounded by the base of the leaf
Flower Racemes extracted from the leaf axils, up to 60-90 cm, inflorescence up to 20 cm, colored red, white, yellow, orange color, flower stems out from the bottom of the strains. Can bloom throughout the year, but more common in late winter and spring.
Fruit Capsule majority of seeds, the difference in shape between the different varieties.
More to learn A variety of burns, burns and sunburn have a significant effect and may inhibit the role of viruses, fungi and cancer cells
Properties Bitter cold, Liver heat, constipation, insecticide
Treats For headache, constipation, infantile epilepsy, the rickets ulcers swollen boils, burns, ringworm sores, hemorrhoids
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Treats on Aloe
