506 Espostoa melanostele
Family Name Cactaceae
Scientific name espostoa melanostele
Common name N.A.
Growth habit shrubby
Leaf No real leaf. Only have needle-leaf. Covered with white hair.
Flower White flowers in summer time. The diameter is about 4cm.
Fruit N.A.
More to learn It is hard to see columnar cactus have flowers opened. It need to waste many years to see it with the white flowers
Properties Taste sweet. Neutral Medicine property. Invigorating the spleen and stomach. Strong feet. Ease the problem of Diarrhea.
Treats basal rot fire blight
Reference 幻樂_仙人掌與多肉植物圖片大全-多肉植物圖庫
PlantFiles: Old Man of the Andes
Austrocephalocereus dybowskii 白麗翁
