509 Cactaceae
Family Name /
Scientific name Mammillaria aurihamata Boed
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Growth habit Found on flat to sloping calcareous rocky terrain in semi desert at about 1800m altitude
Leaf The leaf was degenerated to spines, there is no real leaves exist.
Flower Bell shape, White to pale pink,15-30mm(0.6-1.2inch))long and in diameter, Flowering period: March-April
Fruit Club shaped, pinkish white
More to learn This kind of cactus love glare environment, general cold resistance, keep the plant warm.
Properties Flowers: Sweet tasting, cool, fragrant. Antipyretic, diuretic, antitussive, relieves summer heat
Treats /
Reference General information on Mammillaria aurihamata
Gallery on Mammillaria aurihamata
Plant Profile on Mammillaria aurihamata
