513 N/A
Family Name Liliaceae
Scientific name Gasteria armstrongii varieg
Common name Gasteria f. variegata yellow
Growth habit Perennial succulent herb
Leaf Soft fatty blades, tongue-shaped, smooth, shiny, white dots and yellow stripes.
Flower Racemes scrape from 20 to 30 cm high, flowers drooping, the lower part of the orange-red, the upper part of the green
Fruit N/A
More to learn 1.Plants stem less or just a short stem, with thick fleshy root. 2.Should be warm and dry environment, suitable for growth in sufficient soft sunlight. 3.Spring and autumn are the plants growing season.
Properties Foliage plants
Treats N/A
Reference General information on Gasteria armstrongii varieg
General information on Gasteria armstrongii varieg
