517 P. pringlei
Family Name Cactaceae
Scientific name P. pringlei
Common name cardón cactus
Growth habit  slow growing plants are also extremely long-lived
Leaf  needle-like  Reduced to a spine with 2 inches  displayed in vertical rows along the bark ridges
Flower  appear on the upper tips of stems, especially stems with warm, southern exposure  open in the afternoon and night, but close at mid-morning
Fruit  berry  splits, revealing the sweet, red flesh  contain 800 black seeds
More to learn  world's largest cactus  native to the Americas  nearly endemic to the deserts of the Baja California peninsula
Properties  Succulent  Drought-tolerant  suitable for xeriscaping
Treats  Pharyngitis  Acute diarrhea  Duodenal ulcer
Reference Cardon Cactus
Pachycereus pringlei
