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Family Name Liliaceae
Scientific name Aloe nobilis
Common name
Growth habit Suitable for warmth. Dry. Adequate soft sunlight. Drought. Avoid soil water. Too shaded.
Leaf Dark green leaves. No white powder. Leaves lanceolate. Hypertrophy and more meat. The leaf margin light yellow jagged burns. The foliage and dorsal There are scattered pale yellow fleshy bump.
Flower Loose racemes extracted from the foliage upper. The florets barrel. Orange-red. Open in late winter to early spring.
More to learn Never sleeps aloe a spot Kam species variation. Named Never sleeps Kam. Foliage and dorsal have yellow or yellow-white vertical stripes sometimes whole leaves were tested yellow. The remaining features are the same as the city that never sleeps aloe.
Properties Suitable for small potted plants. Dotted windowsill, several aircraft table. Fresh and elegant.
Treats Treatment of burns or abrasions.
Reference 蘆薈膠百科
