542 Hyacinthus orientalis
Family Name Hyacinthaceae
Scientific name Hyacinthus orientalis
Common name Hyacinth
Growth habit Perennial herb
Leaf The leaves are strap-shaped, 15–35 cm long and 1–3 cm broad, with a soft, succulent texture, and produced in a basal whorl.
Flower The flowering stem grows to 20–35 cm (rarely to 45 cm) tall, bearing a spike of 2–50 fragrant purple flowers 2–3.5 cm long with a tubular, six-lobed perianth.
Fruit They are fleshy and spherical structures. They get dried and split apart on three parts. Every part has two subdivisions and contains different quantity of seeds.
More to learn Contains alkaloids and is toxic if eaten in large quantities. The bulb, however, is the most poisonous part and should not be ingested under any circumstances.
Properties N.A.
Treats N.A.
Reference Gallery on Hyacinth
General information on Hyacinth
風信子 (Hyacinth)
