544CM Lavender
Family Name Lamiaceae
Scientific name Lavandula vera
Common name Lavender
Growth habit Annual shrubs
Leaf Lanceolate(shape), 2-6cm long, 0.4-0.6cm wide, entire or anti-roll
Flower All lavender flowers are lavender fragrance will secrete large amounts of nectar, these nectar can produce high quality honey - May flowering.
Fruit _______
More to learn Lavender oil is said to relieve headaches. Effect of lavender is commonly used to aid sleep: the lavender seeds and flowers to the pillow can help sleep;, or a cup of lavender tea before bedtime, adding a little lavender oil in a cup of hot water, calm, relax.
Properties Spicy tasting, cool, not suitable for pregnant women.
Treats Headache; dizziness; tongue sores; throat irritation; water and fire burns; rubella; scabies.
Reference General information on Lavandula vera
Gallery on Lavandula vera
Plant Profile on Lavandula vera
