545CM Hydrangea macrophylla
Family Name Saxifragaceae
Scientific name Hydrangea macrophylla
Common name Hydrangea macrophylla
Growth habit Likes the warm, moist and half shade environment. The fear of drought fear of floods, not cold. Hi fat living moist, well-drained loam, but adaptability
Leaf Hydrangea by careful management of about 25 days, has survived, and start up from the terminal buds grow new buds
Flower The hydrangea, originating in the Mediterranean has always been famous for its flowering evergreen tree in the winter.ColdWinter, Zhajian the pink flower buds and white flowers, seems to tell people spring approaches.
Fruit /
More to learn The whole plant are toxic Summer and autumn period, the weekly administration of a dilute solution of iron sulfide (more than 1000 times), when the calyx cells increased iron, color will gradually turn blue. Next to the plants buried a few rusty nails Huanpen, mixed with a small amount of aluminum sulphate or magnesium sulfide.
Properties Bitter, acrid, cold.A small drug
Treats 1 roots, leaves, flowers can be used for malaria, antimalarial and antipyretic effect, excessive doses can cause vomiting, efficacy and side effects resembling Changshan role weaker. Usually alone, or compatibility with Tsaoko.
