548 Miniature rose
Family Name rosaceous
Scientific name Rosa chinensis Jacq ' Minima '
Common name China Rose
Growth habit miniature rose varieties require an annual period of cold dormancy to survive.
Leaf Broadly ovate to ovate-oblong, acuminate, serrate, shining and dark green above and pale beneath. Each leaflet 2.5–6 cm long and 1–3 cm broad.
Flower Crimson or pink, rarely whitish, about 2 in. across, not or slightly fragrant. The flowers have five pink to red petals.
Fruit A red hip, 1–2 cm diameter.
More to learn The species is extensively cultivated in China as an ornamental plant; numerous cultivars have been selected, with varying flower colour and usually an increased number of petals.
Properties Flower is smell good and quite sweet
Treats Treatment of irregular and/ or painful menstruation, as well as swollen thyroid.
