562CM Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb
Family Name Lamiaceae
Scientific name Schizonepeta Tenuifolia Briq.
Common name Jing Jie, Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae Nepeta japonica, Maxim
Growth habit Perennial herb/Annual herb(Fewer)
Leaf Pinnate leaves at the bottom of stem have five lobes, the leaves at middle have three lobes. Lobes have a lanceolate shape. Upper part of leave is parallel leaves.
Flower In summer, purple-pink lipped flowers resulted and clustered leaf axils form Spike inflorescence or Umbrella shaped inflorescence.
Fruit Oval-prismatic shaped fruit.
More to learn 1)Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb has ethyl acetate extraction, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. 2)It strongly inhabits Staphylococcus aureus and C.diphtheriae. 3)Grind Mint and Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb, add boiling water, can make a tea. The tea can bring to detoxification and treat fever.
Properties Slightly astringent, acrid-fresh, warm
Treats 1)Expels winds, treat Touzhen, also has a good therapy effect on allergic inflammation. 2)Can dissipate nodules and reduce swelling in muscles.
Reference 香港百科HK Wiki
Complementary and Alternative Healing University
