564 NA
Family Name Moraceae
Scientific name Ficus elastica
Common name rubber bush, rubber tree, India-rubber tree
Growth habit Perennial deciduous shrub
Leaf Simple alternative leaves. Elliptical. Latex secretion from detached leaves.
Flower Fragrant pale yellow or red flowers. Flowering between May and October.
Fruit Follicle, matured from July to December.
More to learn In HKZBG, there is one more than 120 year-old rubber tree. The figs syconium fig wasps pollinate fruition. The next time you see figs, they have to cut the middle before we can see it is a flower or fruit.
Properties Flowers: Sweet tasting, cool, fragrant. Antipyretic, diuretic, antitussive, relieves summer heat.
Treats Prevention of heat stroke; enteritis, malabsorption and malnutrition; infectious hepatitis, bronchitis.
Reference 印度橡皮树_互动百科
稱心園藝:印度榕 - 翼報 (2011.8)
