565 Indian Rubber Tree
Family Name Moraceae
Scientific name Ficus elastica Roxb
Common name N/A
Growth habit The evergreen tree, plant height of 10 to 20 meters, the trunk rough shape, bark Auburn, the aerial roots sagging. Branches injured will be out of white milk, white emulsion containing a flexible plastic, is a natural rubber.
Leaf Large leaves and hypertrophy, alternate, the single leaf are oval-shaped, leathery, entire, the sprout is red.
Flower Matured from June to August, Syconium long oval, orange yellow.
Fruit Syconium axillary, oval.
More to learn Suitable in hot and humid climate, the soil is better well-drained sandy loam.
Properties Leaf: bitter, cool Root: bitter, cool
Treats Plastic of raw materials, street trees medicinal ( root cut and dried can use for rheumatic pain, stomach pain, amenorrhea)
Reference General information
