568 Lagerstroemia indica
Family Name Lythraceae
Scientific name Lagerstroemia indica
Common name Crape myrtle
Growth habit Adaptable longevity species
Leaf Dicotylednous, oval shape
Flower Flowers are white, pink, mauve, purple or carmine with crimped petals, in panicles up to 9cm.
Fruit Seed pod is around 1 cm long
More to learn Crape myrtle was found thousand of years at the Tang Dynasty. Western people found this species in India, this is known as “India clove” in French.
Properties slightly bitter, astringent, flat.
Treats blood circulation, bleeding, detoxification, swelling. For a variety of bleeding, fractures, mastitis, eczema, hepatitis, cirrhosis ascites.
Reference 紫薇_中藥材_中醫世家
General information on Crape myrtle
General information on Crape myrtle
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