578 Wax Begonia
Family Name Begoniaceae
Scientific name Begonia semperflorens
Common name Wax Begonia, Fibrous Begonia
Growth habit Growth habit: Begonia semperflorens lives in a area with lots of sunshine, afraid of cold, loves warm and a bit wet soil. Afraid of heat, need shading and regulated airflow & water during summer.
Leaf Leaf is in an oval shape. They are green in color
Flower Red in color, single or double pedal, lots of different varieties
Fruit brown, triangular, surface with 3 wings
More to learn The Begoniaceae are a family of flowering plants with about 1400 species occurring in the subtropics and tropics of both the New World and Old World. All but one of the species are in the genus Begonia. The only other genus in the family, Hillebrandia, is endemic to the Hawaiian Islands and has a single species. Phylogenetic work supports Hillebrandia as the sister taxon to the rest of the family.
Properties Bitter taste
Treats Remove heat, heals sores
Reference 百度百科
