592 N/A
Family Name Marrattiaceae
Scientific name Angiopteris fokiensis Hieron
Common name Mules-foot Fern
Growth habit Located in China's River region. Suitable in humid and cool environment, often born in the evergreen broad-leaved forest. The optimum growth temperature of it was about 15 ~ 22 ℃, air humidity was maintained at 60% to 80%.
Leaf Leaves bipinnate, usually over 50-70 cm long and wide
Flower No flower
Fruit No fruit
More to learn It requires greenhouse protection Distribution: Hong Kong Island and Tai Mo Shan, Guangdong, Guangxi , Hunan, Hubei, Japan.
Properties Slightly bitter taste
Treats Shu feng Stasis, detoxify, stop bleeding, soothe the nerves.
Reference 100 rare and precious plants of Hong Kong
Photos of non flowers
General information of fern
